Apply to Speak

Apply to Speak

Join the star lineup of renowned experts speaking at the Hospital C-Suite Summit 2024. 

Are you eager to deliver a talk at the inaugural edition? You have found the ideal forum to submit your proposal!


Submission deadline: 27 May 2024

Notifications regarding the status of the received applications will be sent out after the review process is completed. All applicants will be contacted accordingly.

General Information:

Participants interested in delivering a talk at the Hospital C-Suite Summit 2024 are invited to submit a proposal. All submissions will undergo a review by the Expert Steering Committee and may be accepted or rejected.   

The duration of the talks may vary from 5 to 15 minutes, subject to evaluation performed by the Expert Committee, and the available slots in the program agenda.

Submitters are encouraged to propose interesting case studies, models and best practices they have adopted or applied

Please kindly note that any application received from an industry representative will be considered as an industry submission.

Accepted speakers will receive an exempt registration for their participation. Please note that the Hospital C-Suite Summit 2024 will not be covering accommodation and travel.


  • Patient Experience
  • Technology & Innovation
  • The Future Hospital
  • Workforce
  • Economics

Guidelines for Submission:

  • Submissions are accepted via the website only; submissions sent via email will not be reviewed, nor accepted.
  • You will receive a confirmation email once you submit your application. You will later on receive an email regarding the status of your application at the same email address.
  • Notifications regarding the status of the application will be sent once the review process is complete, two to three weeks after the submission deadline. All applicants will be contacted accordingly.


Submission of an Application Acknowledges*:

  • Your acceptance for your participation in the program (if accepted) to be recorded and published on the Hospital C-Suite Summit 2024 virtual platform.
  • That any involved parties agree to your participation in the Summit and that no part of the information and content provided otherwise infringes any third-party rights, including but not limited to privacy rights and/or intellectual property rights.
  • That you allow the Hospital C-Suite Summit 2024 and Kenes International Organizers of Congresses SA and its affiliates to store and process the submitted information, and to contact you with information about the Summit.

*Terms & Conditions apply to all received applications.